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drawbar suspension
tornado New Generation

drawbar suspension

This drawbar suspension, consisting of two double-acting hydraulic rams with a nitrogen ball, provides exceptional flexibility and is the most effective drawbar suspension. In addition, when connected to the tractor distributor, it actively influences the angle of the machine and thus transfers more or less load to the tractor hitch. It can be managed and controlled directly from the tractor, via the control box or via our ISOBUS solutions. An automatic height-adjusting device (option) allows the ideal suspension setting to be restored at any time.

This drawbar suspension consists of two double-acting hydraulic rams in a closed circuit with two nitrogen accumulators. In addition to being economical, it provides a remarkable flexibility when driving with a loaded vehicle and is one of the most comfortable and efficient solutions. Thanks to the closed-circuit principle, it does not require a permanent hydraulic connection to the tractor. It is therefore an automatic and autonomous system.